Cloudflare Next Saas Starter
Start by editing apps/web/page.tsx
Welcome to Cloudflare Next Saas Starter.
Built a full stack app using production-ready tools and frameworks, host on Cloudflare instantly.
An opinionated, batteries-included framework with Turborepo and Nextjs. Fully Typesafe. Best practices followed by default.

Here's what the stack includes:
  • Authentication with next-auth
  • Database using Cloudflare's D1 serverless databases
  • Drizzle ORM, already connected to your database and auth ⚡
  • Styling using TailwindCSS and ShadcnUI
  • Turborepo with a landing page and shared components
  • Cloudflare wrangler for quick functions on the edge
  • ... best part: everything's already set up for you. Just code!